Kartik Kamath
Responsible Sourcing Initiative Program Associate
Kartik supports the program coordination of the Responsible Sourcing Initiative.
Kartik has five years of experience in implementing water and sanitation programs for major donors like BMGF, Oracle India, and the Government of the Netherlands.
Prior to joining The Circulate Initiative, Kartik drove the innovation vertical of the multi-country FINISH Mondial program at WASTE Netherlands, coordinating the international hackathon for affordable sanitation technologies and the technical evaluation of winning innovations. Before WASTE, Kartik worked at CDD India, where he designed over 30 liquid waste management plants, more than 20 of which have been constructed and are running successfully. Additionally, he has sensitized and trained over 5,000 stakeholders in wastewater and fecal sludge management, including government officials, the private sector, civil contractors, and sanitation workers.
Kartik holds a Master of Science in Water Management and Governance from IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Netherlands, and a Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology, India.